Well, it's here. The night before. The last night. The time. It's here.
As my iPad and macbook are charging for showtime, I am beginning to reflect on this school year. This year is going to be different. Different than I ever remember school being as a student and as a teacher. Actually, I'm not even quite sure my role will be a "teacher" this year. And let me tell you, I am excited. I would be lying if I didn't mention my anxiousness for this year as well.
Blended learning is a new concept to me. I am a learner by nature (Hard-Dwyered to learn...hehe). I research. I read. I research more. I watch a video. I am GREAT at remembering information. I was excellent at what school was. However "school" is changing. For the better. The MUCH better. Which means, my methods will be changing. So long worksheets, hello real world problems! Luckily, being a learner is the key component to this new classroom that we are about to experience.
In the world of education, we have been programmed to learn for THE TEST. Those are the scariest words for both teachers and students. At what other point in your life have you been motivated to learn because of THE TEST? It's not realistic.
We should be learning for our own good.
We should learn what we want.
We should use this learning to make a difference.
A real difference.
A difference than can cause a chain reaction.
A difference that can end in failure.
But a difference that can spark another learning journey.
Learning should be lifelong. And school should inspire that.
Curiosity and imagination will be the norm in our classroom. This will be a challenge for all because we have become accustomed to memorizing facts that can simply be answered with the click of a mouse on Google nowadays. It's time for a change. We must harness that innate curiosity and desire to learn to become true 21st century learners.
I will be going on this journey along with my students. I am ready to learn new things, fail at some things, try different approaches, and overall inspire my students to learn and contribute their passions to society.
Anything is possible...
Color me inspired!