There are a lot of buzz words in education. We are inundated with buzz words. We also become experts at explaining our classrooms using these buzz words, but in reality, all we are really doing is saying the buzz word and not applying the buzz words.
This happens a lot. However, I don't blame educators. We are thrown new theories every day, and it's hard to keep up, so instead, we just increase our "teacher" lexicon.
One buzz word in particular that has been thrown around a lot is "stations" or "learning centers". I've sat in countless inservices explaining and creating different stations that get thrown out in the garbage by the end. However, it's time to start applying some of these theories.
Through true collaboration, my 7th grade English counterpart and I have developed, designed, and constructed a differentiated, data-driven, intervention friendly, technology applied unit. Phew. That's some buzz-words for you! We are anxious to get this unit into play as we have often talked about how this actually LOOKS in a classroom as opposed to simply discussing the theory.
As an educator, all I hope to see is theories in action. It is our hope we can bring this one buzz word to life in the middle school English classroom. Stay tuned for progress...
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